Saturday, March 28, 2009

Another Saturday and another raindrop....

As the days pass, and continue stacking themselves aloft each other as if someone is lining up dominoes,
just waiting for that moment to gently tap the first one and watch them collapse one after
another until there are none. As if each one were a day of our life, stood up as a memory and when the time
comes, someone gently touches that first one and so begins our finally days. As long as the hand that is stand them up stay ahead for the falling days behind we can continue.
I don't have any idea where, why or if it even makes sense. I can't read it over after I typed it because I will realize that it doesn't make any sense.

To continue from my first post....
If you haven't ever had the opportunity to experience life without the pressures of materialistic needs and
a society that is all about more more more, you haven't had the opportunity to find who you really are.
As the mountains became our home and we lived and experienced the feeling of natures securities,
the beauty, and the serenity... we grew mentally, physically, and emotionally. Far beyond that of anyone, who lived in what I would call "the commercialized web of selfishness"
There are so many memories and emotion that go with each, I will try as I write to keep them as sequentially as I can. If any thing I type is incorrect or there needs to be modification, I would hope that those of you
who where there with me (family) would correct me with a comment.
Wow! what do you do in the middle of nowhere with nothing but four kids, some dogs and cats, and a station wagon with all your belongings in it. Mind you not much can really fit in a station wagon, when you have a family of six and some small animals. I don't know if my mother and my father really knew what they or shall I say we were in for, but I know one thing, they did what they had to.
I remember the meadow above the creek where the "Icebox" was built. (The first real house built, that was extremely cold) It seems that the summer was beautiful, the warm sun and the meadow and a creek
to cool off in. Is there a better place a person would want to be. Was there the sound of passing cars? No!
The sounds of people and dogs and televisions...? Nope!
The freedom as a child to explore the mountains, the woods, the trees, the creek to roam and never be interrupted by anything, is beyond anything words can describe, but only of inner feelings. If you have ever seen "The Swiss Family Robinson" think about how the kids made you feel while you watched. The freedom they had,
the adventures, and the piece and quiet, and the family unity and fun. That is the feeling I get now when I look back on it all. We lived it and what an adventure and what an experience it was.
Would I do it again? Inside I would say yes. But knowing what I know now and realizing how hard is
was at times I don't know if I could actually handle it. When you haven't been there, I don't think
a person has any real idea of some of the hardships, the struggle and just the things we did
that were everyday things, because that was just the way it was.
One quick example is, walking through two or three feet of snow to the bus stop, which was 2 and a half miles away. As a kid it was an adventure, dark and cold mornings with the sound of snow crunching under our feet. I don't want to walk that far in the snow, that cold today. Not even once a week! But
then again that is simply because I don't have to. It made no difference to us as kids, that is just the way it was. Now thinking back on it, I don't want to do it. What it build inside of use as individuals and as a family
can never be replaced and will be with us for as long as those days keep getting stood up behind us.

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